Maryland State Music Teachers Membership Information

The Maryland State Music Teachers Association (MSMTA) is a statewide affiliate of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA), and includes thirteen local Association chapters throughout Marland. For over 50 years MSMTA has been a leader in the professional music community, which includes members who are independent music teachers and college faculty, in the continued growth of musical education through MSMTA Examinations and multiple performance and competition opportunities.

Join Us Today!  Link through to the MTNA page, where you can join us or renew your membership on-line. Inquiries may also be sent via email to our membership chair.

MTNA ($101.00) plus MSMTA dues ($45.00) add up to $146.00 for Active Membership. The individual membership year is July 1 to June 30.

Look through our calendar of activities and our local associations for opportunities for both teachers and students. Renew your Membership via this link to the MTNA membership page.
Find information on opportunities, along with general information on our student activities.

Membership Categories
Active Membership Active Membership is available to any individual professionally engaged in a music activity who is also a member of an affiliated state association. Active members receive American Music Teacher and are entitled to participate in all MTNA/MSMTA activities, vote and hold office.
Senior Membership Senior Membership is available to members who are 70+ years of age for MTNA and 65+ years of age for MD state dues.
Provisional Membership Provisional Membership is extended to prospective members working to meet the requirements of Active Membership. Provisional Members may join Local Associations and are required to pay National, State, and Local dues. They may not hold offices, and their students are not eligible to participate in National, State, or Local activities with the exceptions of the High School Piano Examinations and the State Theory and Keyboard Musicianship programs. Further, Provisional Members are not permitted to advertise themselves as Active Members of MSMTA until they meet the requirements for Active Membership. Provisional Membership may continue for five years, and is not renewable.
Provisional Membership Music Teachers wishing to join MSMTA who do not have a Bachelor's degree in music or Provisional members of MSMTA wishing to qualify for Active Membership may do so by requesting membership by audition. CLICK HERE for details.
Collegiate Membership Collegiate Membership is open to all full-time college music students who are also members of an affiliated collegiate chapter. College members have access to many MTNA services and receive MTNA periodicals and member discounts, but do not have the right to vote or hold office.
Six-Month Membership Six-Month Membership is available to individuals meeting active membership criteria who have never been MTNA members. The six-month membership runs from January 1 through June 30. Maryland state offer six-month memberships. Call the national office at (888) 512-5278 for more information.
Retired Membership Retired Membership is open to those who have been active members for at least 20 continuous years, who have reached the age of 75, and who have essentially retired from teaching. A member must send written notice to the Executive Director for this class of membership to be activated. Retired members may vote, but cannot hold elective office at divisional or national levels or enter students in MTNA competitions. A retired member must also be a member of a state affiliated association.